Sunday, September 14, 2008

One Of GM's New Vehicles

The Chevrolet Volt is expected to be the icing on General Motors’ 100th birthday cake this week. The much-promoted sedan, which will operate as an electric car in typical local driving, is intended to provide a jump-start for the company’s second century. By mobilizing its formidable marketing resources, G.M. has piqued interest in the Volt. The timing of the Tuesday event is fortuitous, for much more is riding on the Volt than whether a new model using experimental technologies will be a hit. For if the Volt succeeds, it could put the troubled company on a whole new path after 10 decades tethered to the internal-combustion engine. If it fails, it could drag G.M., and perhaps the entire struggling American auto industry, even further behind Asian competitors.

My Comment (Personal Input):
It will be interesting to see how the Volt does. I think that people are going to stick with foreign cars. They have been making hybrid cars for years. And older models are really cheap, so more people will be purchasing them.

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